* You can search for named individuals, to see if their names appear on any of the memorials recorded so far.

* You can search for memorials by county, and then by town, and site within a town. You can then see photographs of the memorial and the building containing it, or the surroundings if out of doors. There are photographs of all inscriptions and lists of names, and there is a transcript of the inscription on the memorial, and a list of all those named.

* You can search for all those who were in a particular regiment or branch of the armed services (e.g. the navy or air force), and for members of the forces of other countries, such as the U.S.A., Australia, etc.

* You can search for all those who were in a particular conflict, such as the Easter Rising, the Boer Wars or World War II.

* You can combine some of these these searches; for example, you can look for those in the American forces involved in World War I, and then click to see the memorials and where they are.