If you can contribute a record of a memorial to the inventory, here is how to do it.

1. Copy the form, given below, which is to be filled in for each memorial and paste it into a new document in Word. It comes with a page of notes which explains how to fill it in, and what photographs are needed. Please note that a memorial cannot be recorded with photographs alone.

2. Take all the photographs requested. The notes below give tips on what photographs are needed.

3. Return it by e-mail or post to the address on the form. Photographs are preferably sent by e-mail, with the largest image file available, to retain quality, as the aim is to have photographs on which the names can be read.

All contributions which are suitable will be added to the website, and the contributors will be acknowledged.

If you have any information about the history of a memorial, please send it in on the form, which has a section for this information, even if the memorial is already on the website. Very few of the memorials recorded so far have any information about the history of the memorials themselves, and this will be recorded in the archive, though not on the website.

If there are any queries, please send an e-mail through the “Feedback” page.

RECORD FORM (copy and paste, for filling on the computer).


Title of memorial:


Country: Ireland/Northern Ireland                   County:

District:                                                                       Parish:


Street:                                                                          Number:

Ordnance Survey Map Reference (1:50,000):                            Sheet No.

Co-ordinates (lat/long):                                             


a. At a junction/crossroads of                             and

b. Green, square, roadside:

c. Private/public building:

     Inside □ Outside □ Where in the building?


d. Place of worship:

Specify denomination:

Inside □ Outside □ Where in the building?

e. Elsewhere:

Access times:                                           Parking?                                                       Disabled access?


3. INSCRIPTIONS: Please copy in full onto a separate sheet, or provide clear photos of all wording.


Which war/s are commemorated:  


First war (name):


How many names are listed? Total ­­­_________ Numbers died _____

Are the names listed: alphabetically  by date of death  officers and other ranks separated


Does the list of names mention: forenames   decorations   regiment   place died   rank    other

Second war (name):


How many names are listed? Total ­­­_________ Numbers died _____

Are the names listed: alphabetically  by date of death  officers and other ranks separated

Does the list of names mention: forenames   decorations   regiment   place died   rank    other


Third war (name):


How many names are listed? Total______­­­­____ Numbers died _____

Are the names listed: alphabetically   by date of death  officers and other ranks separated

Does the list of names mention: forenames   decorations   regiment    place died   rank   other


If more than three wars are commemorated on the memorial, please continue on a separate sheet.



a. Cross/Crucifix         Please specify type, e.g. Celtic

b. Cenotaph

c. Pillar/column

d. Obelisk (square/round)

e. Board, plaque or tablet (wall-mounted)

f. Stone, boulder

g. Mosaic/Mural

h. Gate

i. Wall

j. Building                               i. Chapel                                     ii.    Hall                                       

                                                    iii Hospital or extension      iv    Sports pavilion                     

                                                    v Clock/Clock tower              vi    Bells, Bell Tower                 

                                                    vii Other

k. Window: stained glass/plain

l. Sports field/park

m. Garden

n. Street

o. Cairn

p. Sculptured/Cast figure (specify position, expression, dress, equipment) i. Serviceman/woman

                                                    ii. Allegory (e.g. Victory)          iii. Civilian



q. Sculptured/Cast group (specify number and type of figures)



r. Composite (e.g. a square obelisk with a figure of a soldier)




s. Other                                    i. Flag/banner                            ii. Trophy/relic

                                                    iii. Seat                                          iv. Painting/print                         

                                                    v. Photograph                            vi. Sundial                                             

                                                    vii. Other

t. Roll of Honour

u. Fountain

v. Church fabric/fittings

w. Tree/avenue

What materials have been used: (e.g. Bronze soldier on a marble plinth)



Give the memorial’s dimensions EXCEPT buildings. Specify if this is exact or an estimate.

Metric measurements please. Height:                      Width:                     Depth:


5. ORNAMENTATION Please describe any other ornamentation, e.g. wreaths, flags, weapons, lions. State the face of which each ornamentation appears.









Has the memorial, or part of it, been moved from its original location? YES / NO / DON’T KNOW

When was it moved?

Where was it before?


Why was it moved?



When was the memorial unveiled?

By whom?

Was the memorial dedicated? YES / NO / DON’T KNOW When?

By whom?

Who sponsored/paid for the memorial? Private/family donations   Group donations

                                                          Public subscription          Other

Name(s) of sponsor(s):

Did this include a trust or scholarship fund? YES / NO / DON’T KNOW

If so, for what purpose?

Did this include a Roll of Honour in book/scroll form? YES / NO / DON’T KNOW

If so, where is it?

What was the cost of the memorial?

Was the site given free of charge? YES / NO / DON’T KNOW If purchased, state cost:  

Who designed the memorial:

Architect?                                       Sculptor?  

Who built the memorial?



Good   At risk   Poor  



Are the letters difficult to read? YES / NO

Who is responsible for the memorial?


Give details of any recent repairs or planned work



Please give details of any published or unpublished material you know of about this memorial or the people named on it. Include author, title, date and place of publication. List sources consulted: local libraries, newspapers, etc.


















Photographs should be sent as digital images as attachments by e-mail, if possible. Otherwise, colour prints are acceptable. It is the policy of the project and web-site to allow copying of the photographs, so images should not be sent if copyright is reserved by the photographer. Add notes here, or on a separate sheet, identifying the images. Further advice on what photographs are needed can be found on the website.





Please include any further information you feel would be of interest.









Who recorded this memorial?





Telephone:                      ; e-mail address:


Date of recording of memorial:


Do you wish to have your name recorded on the website as the contributor of this record: YES       NO



Are you recording memorials independently or as part of a group?  

The information and images will be stored on a computer and published on the website, www.irishwarmemorials.ie.


Please send forms to:


Irish War Memorials,

Belville House,

Stillorgan Road,


Dublin D04 X9F2


E-mail: irishwarmemorials@gmail.com                                    


If there are any queries, please send them by e-mail or by post.











Filling in the form

Title of memorial. This may simply be “Ballybeg Great War Memorial” or “Carrickduff 1798 Memorial”. If to a named person, it might be the “Byrne Memorial”, for example.

1. Location. It is essential to state the county, city/town/village and the street. If not on a named street or road, give the number of the road (e.g on south side of R129, just to west of the village). If you can, add the map grid reference from the 1:50,000 Discovery series of maps, or the latitude and longitude co-ordinates, which can be obtained by identifying the building or memorial on Google Earth; the co-ordinates are at the bottom of the screen. If not, include a sketch map to allow the site to be identified later. The purpose of this is to allow someone to find the memorial.

2. Where is the memorial situated? “Where?”, for buildings, means where in the building: e.g. porch, south wall of nave, east gallery, etc.

3. Inscription. There is no need to fill in the inscription here, though it helps if you do. A count of the numbers will also be helpful.

4. Type of memorial. The choices on the form seem to cover everything. “Roll of Honour” means paper documents in frames. A similar list on wood or stone would be a plaque. If possible, take a tape-measure when recording a memorial, or make a note of estimates of the size.

5. Ornamentation. Self-explanatory.

6. History of the memorial. Very few of the questions here can usually be answered, unless there is considerable research, but some information may be found in the leaflets available in some buildings.

7. Condition of the memorial. Self-explanatory.

8. References. Self-explanatory.

9. Photographs. See extra notes on photography below.

10. Additional comments. If you have done research on the people named, please add it on a separate sheet, if necessary. These documents will eventually go to the National Museum of Ireland, to be available for research there.


1. The emphasis of the inventory and website is on the inscriptions, especially the names of the people commemorated. For this reason, please try to get a good, sharp photograph of every name. This may mean several photographs overlapping like slates on a roof. The inscription will be read off the photos, and transcribed into a typed document to accompany the photos on the website.

2. Take a photo of the whole memorial. Distortion due to awkward camera angle is often unavoidable, to prevent reflection of windows from a shiny surface, or because the memorial is high on a wall. The distortion can be corrected on the computer. It is better not to use flash, because of the reflections. Use a tripod, or steady the camera against a wall or chair, and use available light.

3. If the memorial is out of doors, please take a photo of it in its surroundings, from some distance away.

4. If the memorial is in a building, please take one of the building itself.

It is advisable to get permission to take photographs from whoever is in charge of the building, but memorials in the open can be photographed by anyone. If permission is given, please record the name and address of the person concerned, and a letter will be sent informing him/her when the images are posted on the website.