Memorials to victims of conflict in Northern Ireland

CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet)

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission:

This website gives details of the graves, or memorials to those who have no known grave, of those killed while serving with British and Empire/Commonwealth forces during World Wars I and II. Search is by surname (family name) and initials. Read very carefully the advice given about searching under ‘Help’. When putting in initials, for example, use two at the most, without full stops (periods) and with a space between them. The ‘Nationality’ is that of the service in which the person served , not his/her own nationality. Irish people serving in World War II, for example, are included in British, Australian, Canadian or other categories, depending on the unit in which they served.

This project aims to photograph every headstone and monument in the C.W.G.C. cemeteries. Copies are provided for a fee.


A site concerned with the study and commemoration of Irish people who served in military forces wherever in the world, and for whatever country or cause.


An association concerned mainly with the western front on WW I, which publishes a journal, “Stand To!” Many links to other sites.

A forum for discussion of anything relating to this war. There are so many experts in this forum that any query is almost always answered.

The story of the British army in WW I. Many links to other sites.

This forum deals with all aspects of this war, with experts who can answer almost any query

American forces in the Korean War.