Welcome to the Inventory of Irish War Memorials.
It is still under repair, despite complete re-writing of the website. Please report broken links to irishwarmemorials@gmail.com

What is this project?

Who is running it?

What is it for?

What is a war memorial, and what is not?

What information is available here?

What can I do on this website?

How do I use this website?

How can I visit a memorial?

What is done with the information collected?

How can I contribute?

May I use the information and photographs?

Can I see what has been added since my last visit?

How can I find out more about someone named on a memorial?

Statistics: The website now has records of 818 places, 1,583 memorials and 42,481 persons’ names (note that persons commemorated on several memorials appear on the list several times).

This website was launched in June, 2004, and there are now 967 active users. The highest number of visits on a single day was on 5th June, 2024: 9,898. There have been visits from 71 countries.

The Facebook page (The Irish War Memorials Project | Facebook) has more than 2,400 followers.